Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Summary of December Union meeting

Topics discussed:
Different types of schools being held for free of charge by Local 57.
Mandatory drug testing for certain drivers.
One man per truck for snow plowing.
Floater at Police dept being transferred to 12-8 shift.
Treasurer DelFino will meet with Chief regarding the floater position.

$25.00 gift cards were passed out to Union members in attendance, one person from each Town building were given enough certificates to pass out to each Union member as a Christmas present.
Certificates were from the following restaurants;
Atwood Grille , Il Piccolo , Issabellas
ENJOY everyone and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Treasurer DelFino did meet with Chief of Police and the floater was transferred to a rotating schedule. He will be working 2 midnight to eight shifts and two eight to four shifts in Records.